Thursday, December 16, 2010


       People can’t fix problems with another problem. This story happened to me last year.

       I went to Abu Dhabi Mall with my wife to buy things for our home needs. We went at night which was the day before my son’s birthday. It was crowded with people from all nationalities. Suddenly I saw police officer catching two men that looked like they had a fight. I asked one of the people there about what happened. He told me that one of the men was harassing the daughter of the other man. Then he rad to the man and slapped him and they fought until the police came to the location and stop the fight. After a while they fought again in the parking yard. Then, the police rushed to them and took them to jail because of the problems they made. People were shocked and surprised of what had happened in there. At the end no one found anything good with what happened except problems.

   If you face any problem like these don’t panic and don’t go to the conclusions immediately. Report to police and control the situation. In case the other person wanted to fight you, don’t try to be polite, you’ll be beaten down. Hold him or fight back until the police come to the location

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Misspelling Problems

     The story is about how misspelling just one letter led to a big misunderstanding which can lead to big problems.

     Mr. and Mrs. Jonas celebrated their wedding. Mr. Jonas told his wife that he would fly out for business. After that he flew and when he reached he went to the hotel. Then he put his luggage on the bed. After that he opened the windows and because the sun was hot he had to go inside. He noticed that there was a laptop on the table. Then he wrote an email to his wife describing how he was doing. But he sent the email to the wrong person first. After that he sent the email again to his wife. On the other hand, Mrs. Jones and her son were visiting Mr. Jones’s graveyard after burying him. Mrs. Jones and her son went home and sat on the sofa. After that he handed the laptop to his mother while he went to the kitchen to make coffee. She checked the emails and found strange email. Then she read the mistaken email and had a heart attack. Then her son ran to her and found her lying on the ground. After that she pointed to her laptop. She died when her son was readying the email.

     This is an example of the problem caused by one letter’s misspelling. One solution to the sender is to save the important or family contacts so the sender doesn’t have to write the type it every time. A suggestion to the receiver, before getting the idea checks where it came from. 

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How oil is produced

    Oil is the main reason for our country the UAE to develop so quickly. It’s also the fact for new devices to be invented. Petrol is one of oil’s products. This is a description about how petrol is produced.

     First, oil is located by geologic survey teams. After that it is pumped via pipeline from the rig to the refineries. Then it is stored in storage tanks. It is refined into various products like petrol which is mainly used for cars, jet fuel that’s used for airplane, etc. Afterward Petrol is stored in tanks. Then it is transported to petrol stations. Afterward it is stored in underground tanks. Finally it is pumped into car tanks and car drive safely.

    Petrol is very useful product nowadays which can be used in many things. Petrol has a major role for this country’s economy.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mr Bean visiting Dentist

     The story starts with Mr. Bean sleeping through many alarms and then he realized he was late for his dentist appointment.

      First, Mr. Bean was sleeping when the alarm rang. Then he got out of bed. After that he did some exercises. Then he shaved. After that he read the note about the dentist appointment. Afterward he got into his car and dressed while driving. He poured water on the boy. After that he arrived at the dentist> He played with dentist chair. Dentist tried to fix Mr. Bean’s teeth but Mr. Bean stabbed the dentist with the syringe, then the dentist fell down. After that Mr. Bean fixed his own teeth. The dentist woke up and Mr. Bean was frightened. After that he left the dentist office.

      People get frightened when visiting the dentist and it’s not funny, but Mr. Bean had fun in his time at the dentist.

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